For Further Research on the Duke Family, at the University of Virginia and Elsewhere

One of the many images on file at the University of Virginia Library
which does not appear in the body of the website, of R. T. W. Duke, Jr.
(second from right at top) and his children in 1921.
Bibliography | Full bibliographical information on the books, articles, digital resources, and manuscripts consulted in the preparation of this website. |
Holdings | A partial listing of the University of Virginia’s holdings relating to the Duke family. |
Timeline | Significant events in the life of R.T.W. Duke, Jr., at a glance. |
Digital Archive | Selected documents from the University of Virginia’s collection of Duke manuscripts are available online. |
VIRGO | Consult VIRGO, the University of Virginia’s online search engine, for additional Duke manuscripts and manuscript collections available in the Special Collections Library. |
Albemarle County Historical Society | The Albemarle County Historical Society has been preserving and disseminating information on Albemarle County since 1940. In recent years, the Society has incorporated significant material from the Duke family into their exhibits. |
The Sanborn Maps | The University of Virginia’s portal to the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps. |
About this Project | The individuals and institutions that have made this project possible. |