Soldier’s Joy
Col. Samuel J. Cabell, Sr. built “Soldier’s Joy” in 1783 on land provided by his father to celebrate Samuel’s safe return from the American Revolution. Col. Cabell lived at the home until his death in 1818. His son, Samuel J. Cabell, Jr. and several other kinsmen continued on the property until 1825, when they sold it and divided the proceeds among their father’s heirs. The property passed in and out of Cabell hands until 1924, when Charles Wood, Sr. purchased it. He and his son, Charles Wood, Jr. refurbished the place and restored it to the elegant estate shown at left.

Some of the initial details the Woods preserved, including this fabulous doorway to the dining room.
*Copies of Mrs. Minardi’s prints were received electronically; hard copies are not available at the University of Virginia Special Collections Library.