Resources on the Internet

Boy with Teacher





African-Americans, Education, Segregation and the South

American Memory, Library of Congress

Afro-American Sources in Virginia: a Guide to Manuscripts

Center for Appalachian Studies (Appalachian State University)

Center for Documentary Studies (Duke University)

Behind the Veil: Documenting African-American Life in the Jim Crow South

Center for the Study of Southern Culture (University of Mississippi)

Center for the Study of the American South (University of North Carolina)

Freedmen & Southern Society Project (University of Maryland)

Guide to African-American Documentary Resources in North Carolina

Institute for Southern Studies (University of South Carolina)

North by South: From Charleston to Harlem, the Great Migration (from Kenyon College)

Southern Folklife Collection, University of North Carolina Library


Charlottesville, Albemarle County and Virginia Resources

Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society

Ash Lawn-Highland (the home of James Monroe)

Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies (University of Virginia)

Holsinger Studio Collection (Special Collections, University of Virginia Library)

Jackson Davis Elementary School
An elementary school in Henrico County, Virginia, opened in 1962 and named in honor of Jackson Davis

Jefferson-Madison Regional Library

Library of Virginia

Monticello (the home of Thomas Jefferson)

Through the Lens of Time: Images of African Americans from the Cook Collection (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Virginia Center for Digital History (University of Virginia)

The Ground Beneath Our Feet : a documentary film series and website about Virginia’s history after the Civil War

Race and Place, an African American Community in the Jim Crow South : Charlottesville, Virginia
a joint project with the Carter G. Woodson Institute

Virginia Randolph Museum
An historical museum in Henrico County, Virginia, honoring Virginia E. Randolph, the first Jeanes Fund teacher.


Virginia Schools and Colleges in the Jackson Davis Collection

Ferrum College (formerly: Ferrum Training School)

Hampton University (formerly: Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton Institute)

Saint Paul’s College (formerly: St. Paul Normal and Industrial School)

Virginia State University (formerly: Virginia Normal and Collegiate Institute, Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute, Virginia State College for Negroes, Virginia State College)